Pitbulls are medium-sized dogs that are known for being strong, kind, gentle, and even compassionate. While pitbulls tend to be loyal to their human companions and friendly with strangers, unfortunately, they have developed a reputation for being aggressive and dangerous over time. This reputation tends to be from a few outliers because pitbulls are a loyal and safe dog breed.
That said, due to their public perception you might be wondering – can pitbulls be service dogs? The shorter answer is yes, but it can be more complicated than that. Read on to learn more about pitbulls and how they can help as a service dog.
What Is a Service Dog?
A service dog is a dog that helps someone who has a physical or mental disability complete a task. Service dogs have special training that can help people walk, navigate through crowds, or even take their medications on time.
To be eligible for service dog work, a dog must have the necessary training because they have to behave in public, on public transportation, and around other people or dogs. For these reasons, service dogs often go through several years of advanced training, which is why only the smartest dog breeds tend to make it as service dogs.
Can a Pitbull Be a Service Dog?
Yes, a pitbull can be a service dog. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), any dog can be a service dog, and Dog Academy’s breed guide explains why a pitbull’s temperament makes them an excellent fit for this role. The dog has to have the necessary training and temperament, but aside from that, there aren’t many restrictions.
That said, some states may have laws about specific dog breeds and who can own them, so it’s important to take this into consideration. Overall, you shouldn’t have any issues with a pitbull becoming a service dog if they have the right training.
Can Pitbulls Be Psychiatric Service Dogs?
Absolutely, yes, pitbulls can be psychiatric service dogs. Due to their emotional intelligence and medium size, you shouldn’t have any issues training them for your specific needs. They are large enough to help you get medications and strong enough to pull you through a crowd if you feel uncomfortable.

Pitbulls can also be trained to help with deep pressure therapy (DPT), which requires applying pressure to relieve symptoms of anxiety or other mental health disorders.
In order for a pitbull to be a good psychiatric service dog you need to train them properly. We always recommend working with a professional and taking yourself and your pitbull through a psychiatric service dog training course, which you can find in person and even online.
Can a Pitbull Be an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)?
Yes, pitbulls can be emotional support animals. In fact, pitbulls don’t even need the training to become an ESA.
All you need is a letter from a licensed mental health professional stating that you benefit from having an ESA. These ESA letters can even help you live somewhere that is otherwise not pet-friendly.
Since an ESA isn’t a service dog, some state laws may dictate whether or not pitbulls are viable breeds for ESA work.
Are Pitbulls Good Service Dogs?
Yes, pitbulls can be good service dogs. They make good service dogs because of their size, loyalty, and emotional intelligence.

Their medium size means they can fit on most types of public transportation and housing and they’re lower maintenance than some other dog breeds. Pitbulls are also a smart breed, so they have no problems learning advanced tricks or focusing on specific tasks.
That said, what determines how well a pitbull does as a service dog is their temperament and willingness to train. Therefore, if you adopt a pitbull as a puppy, you’ll have better luck than if you adopt an older pitbull that’s already set in their ways.
Dogs can also have unique personalities, so make sure you keep this in mind before you register your pitbull as a service dog.
Register Your Pitbull As a Service Dog Today
Pitbulls can make great service dogs if you go through the proper training and registration processes. To register a pitbull as a service dog, you’ll want to make sure they’re trained and that you have a physical or mental disability that they’re helping you with; a licensed medical professional will have to back you up on this. That said, as long as your pitbull can behave in public and around other people or animals, you shouldn’t have any problems registering them as service dogs.